Port Neches Wedding ~ Kaci and Chase
Kaci and Chase were married recently in a *beautiful* wedding at Central Baptist Church in Port Neches – we just met and premiered their wedding photos in private and now I get to share a few of my favorites! You may remember them from their engagement session I posted a while back – huge Houston Texans and A Christmas Story fans 🙂 We began the day bright and early at Intrigue Hair Salon where Kaci is looking radiant and ready to start her big day: Freshly coifed, we all hop into the limo and head over to Chic-Fil-A, of course 🙂 It’s easier to feel raring to go after you…
Nederland Wedding – Lindsey and Trent
A few of my favorites from Lindsey’s and Trent’s wedding! 🙂 We begin the day with our brides getting their ‘do on, usually at one of the local salons (this time at Salon Mecca), sometimes in their hotel room, always with lots of hair spray and waterproof mascara! 🙂 All eyes are on Lindsey as we check placement of the tiara: From there it’s on to First Baptist Church in Nederland, where everyone gets pretty before the big event: Meanwhile, Trent, looking all suave and GQ: 🙂 There’s a flurry of activity as the girls apply finishing touches: It’s beginning! Yay! 🙂 From there it’s on to the reception at…